The Plaintiffs


We are the Jewish, Palestinian, and German activists Judith Bernstein, Amir Ali and Christoph Glanz. Together we form the „Bundestag 3 for Palestine“ (BT3P). We stand for human rights in Palestine.

What unites us as politically thinking and acting people is our unconditional commitment to human rights. We oppose all forms of racism (including anti-Semitism and Islamophobia), discrimination, and oppression without any exception. We invite all people who are committed to human rights to join us in supporting BT3P and defending freedom of expression for human rights work.

The Berlin-based lawyer Ahmed Abed has been commissioned to lead the lawsuit. Abed has already won court cases against the restrictions of freedom of speech and assembly of the BDS campaign (Lower Saxony OVG, 10 ME 48/19, VG Cologne, 14 L 1765/19) and has been campaigning for human rights nationally and internationally for years.


Judith Bernstein

is a German Jew, born in Jerusalem, and winner of the 2017 "Aufrechter Gang" Award of the Humanist Union of Bavaria. Together with her husband Dr. Reiner Bernstein, she received the prize for laying the so-called stumbling stones in Munich (commemoration of murdered former Jewish citizens) and for her commitment to peace between Israelis and Palestinians. She is the spokesperson of the Munich-based "Jewish-Palestinian Dialogue Group".


Amir Ali

is of German-Palestinian origin. His Palestinian family was completely expelled from their home near Haifa in 1948. The family has lived as refugees in Jordan ever since. He is involved in the Germany-wide initiative "Palestine Speaks".


Christoph Glanz

has been an active anti-fascist and anti-racist since his youth. He lived and worked in Israel/Palestine for two years and has been volunteering for the Palestinian BDS campaign for several years (BDS Initiative Oldenburg).


With our lawsuit against the German Bundestag, we address all Palestinians and all other people in Germany whose fundamental right to freedom of expression has been violated, as they are not allowed to express themselves in the German public about Palestine and the crimes of the Israeli state without restrictions.